Roy Tullgren
Board Member
Roy Tullgren has been a resident of Tucson since 1964 when as a 6th grader his family moved here from Chicago.
Roy attended Rincon High School and the University of Arizona, earning a Bachelor’s of Arts in Communication and studied additional Master’s level courses in Counseling and Guidance. He has been married to Cathy since 1975. They have two children and five grandchildren, all of whom live in Tucson.
Roy became a Big Brother volunteer mentor while attending the U of A. And since that time In addition, he has mentored 4 boys as “Little Brothers” and has remained friends with them all, with the oldest being 57 years old and the youngest 22. Roy coached Jr High and Sr High sports for 12 years at a local school and was a state-certified HS basketball referee and softball umpire for 14 years.
Professional Experience
- Big Brothers/Big Sisters of Tucson – 1976-1991. After serving 2 years as a public relations and case management specialist, he became the Executive Director of the agency at the age of 25. Through successful marketing, fundraising and program development, the local organization became one of the leading Big Brother/Sister agencies in the nation. Roy spoke and consulted throughout the U.S with dozens of other Big Brother/Sister agencies and at National and District conferences. In addition, he was elected as District President and was elected to serve on the National Board of Directors.
- Palo Verde Christian School (now known as Pusch Ridge Christian Academy) – 1991-1998. In addition to coaching, Roy was hired on staff as an Assistant Administrator. He helped open the new campus on North Oracle where the High School and Junior High are located today.
- Gospel Rescue Mission – 1998-Current. After serving 12 years on the Mission Board, he was hired on staff as the Public Relations and Marketing Director in 1998. Two years later, he was promoted to Executive Director where he served in that role until June 2019. Upon opening the new shelter facility, the Center of Opportunity, Roy became the Pastor of Donor & Church Engagement where he will serve 3 years during the transition period of leadership. Roy has extensive experience serving homeless men women and children, the working poor residents of Tucson, the mentally ill, and the chemically addicted populations.
Roy said, “My heart and passion has always been to help others in their situations, whether youth or adults. There are so many people that need assistance, a hand up, and encouragement, whether through prevention, education or rehabilitation support. So I’ve chosen to dedicate my life and over 40 years of employment to non-profit social service management.”
Leadership and Community Involvement
Over the years, Roy has served on dozens of coalitions, commissions, task forces, neighborhood associations, and boards, a few of which are:
- Big Brothers/Big Sisters Board of Directors – on the Board while attending college and since employment ended, serving on their Advisory Board of Directors for 28 years.
- Pima County Community Prevention Coalition – education and outreach activities to help prevent underage drinking and drug use for youth. He was the coalition’s first Chair and served in that capacity for 4 years.
- Pima County and City of Tucson Commission on Addiction Prevention & Treatment –this was a joint commission for both the city and county that addressed issues and solutions surrounding drug and alcohol disorder through prevention and treatment for youth and adults. This commission made recommendations to the City Council and Pima County Board of Supervisors for policies and ordinances regarding misuse of drugs, including the development of the Social Host Ordinance and the drug collection boxes within law enforcement buildings.
- Pima County Community Action Agency Advisory Board – Roy was appointed to this Pima County Board by Supervisor Ally Miller. This Board evaluates organizations that serve those in poverty with emergency services – food, health, and education. The advisory board makes recommendations to the Board of Supervisors for funding of these organizations.
- Southern Arizona Anti Trafficking United Resource Network (SAATURN) – this collaboration of law enforcement and social service and behavioral health organizations combat Human labor and sex trafficking through education, training and public awareness. Gospel Rescue Mission provides shelter and support services for women coming out of sex trafficking.
- National Board of Directors for both Big Brothers Big Sisters of America and the Association of Gospel Rescue Missions.